Engagement Services

Engagement Services


我们建议各机构充分利用我们的四大优势, we also provide select services based on your agency’s individual needs. For more information, please contact us.

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Engagement Services


Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and qualitative data analysis

一年一度的联邦雇员观点调查为各机构提供了有关雇员关注点的丰富知识. However, the survey doesn’t offer solutions for addressing these concerns.

多年来,我们一直在研究和分析联邦雇员观点调查,作为我们的 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® 排名,帮助机构识别数据中存在的主题和趋势. 我们还研究了基于不同人口统计数据的员工的独特经历, occupations, GS-levels and lengths of employment to better address their specific issues.

To fully illustrate employee challenges, 我们的团队还与各种机构合作,通过焦点小组收集定性数据, pulse surveys and individual interviews. 我们将与您的团队一起确定适当的讨论次数, participants, 主题和流程,以确保员工感到舒适的自由和匿名发言.

Developing leadership priorities

Each year, 我们的最佳工作场所排名表明,领导力是员工敬业度的关键驱动因素. 领导者在确定和设计组织范围内的计划以解决持续的敬业问题方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

我们的团队召集机构领导参加旨在支持这项工作的务虚会和研讨会. 我们使用定量和定性数据来促进对话,推动团队采取行动,并与领导者合作建立规范和问责机制,确保他们的计划得到实施. Session length and frequency can be adjusted to meet the needs of your team.

Creating action plans

Our team convenes a combination of leaders, 主管和员工为团队或办公室的特定目标制定行动计划.

这些研讨会建立了领导的优先事项,同时也允许个别单位灵活地解决他们在各自级别确定的挑战. 我们的研讨会使用联邦雇员观点调查和定性数据来帮助参与者确定他们计划在一年中与领导层一起解决的优先事项. Participants uncover the root causes of their challenges, 制定他们希望实现的明确结果,集思广益,将关键举措整合到他们的行动计划中.

Consulting and implementation

Agencies need to establish a strong infrastructure to implement their plans, communicate their initiatives internally and evaluate successes. The Partnership is available to support these efforts.

Our services include:

  • Providing feedback on action plans before they get implemented.
  • Creating an internal communications plan.
  • Administering and analyzing pulse surveys.
  • Conducting program evaluation.

Additionally, 我们创建了一群被称为敬业大使的员工,让他们长期执行这些任务. 这些人是必不可少的,以确保每个团队实施他们的行动计划和管理变革的方式,确保我们的服务结束后长期持续成功.

Employee Engagement Research

The Good Government Connection: Linking the Employee and Customer Experiences
Linking the Federal Employee and Customer Experiences
Federal employee experience and customer experience are intertwined, 现在,随着各机构通过《电竞下注靠谱平台》在全国各地实施历史性投资,两者之间的联系尤为重要, Inflation Reduction Act, and CHIPS and Science Act. This report highlights six strategies for how supervisors, midlevel managers, 高级行政服务人员和政治任命人员可以改善其团队的体验,从而为联邦客户带来更好的体验. 它还指出了将员工体验与客户体验联系起来的四大挑战,并提供了克服这些挑战的建议.

One of the most critical elements of employee engagement is leadership. 这项探索性分析由电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系总统过渡中心®和波士顿咨询集团进行,研究了由政治任命或职业高级行政服务成员领导的机构子部门是否会对联邦雇员的敬业度产生影响.

Thumbnail for 15 Editions of Best Places to Work

Our anniversary report, produced in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, 反映了下一个联邦雇员敬业度时代的机遇和要求.

Thumbnail for Engaging a Remote Workforce

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many federal employees have transitioned to full-time remote work for the first time in their careers. In this issue brief, the Partnership for Public Service and Boston Consulting Group identified several ways that agencies can engage their employees as they continue to work away from the office.



雇员敬业度如何影响电子竞技押注平台机构绩效? 这就是电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系和波士顿咨询集团在《电竞下注靠谱平台》一书中所要理解的.“我们分析了卫生部运营的近150个医疗中心三年的数据……

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